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變裝-生活場域 Drag in the life area-台灣變裝皇后/國王拍攝計畫

贊助我 Donate me-台灣變裝皇后/國王拍攝計畫 Drag queen/king project

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I started to shoot the drag queens and kings in Taiwan in 2017. Even though the anti-gay groups raised a referendum that seriously hurt the gay community in 2018, but the results of the interpretation of the Constitution by the Chief Justice are still implemented this year according to law, which leads Taiwan to be the first country in Asia that legalizes same sex marriage in 2019. In the recent decades, there have been many people working together on the road of gay activities, and I truely hope there will be more positive energy in the future society.

I’ve spent a large amount of personal funds on this project, including the cost of accommodations, travel, cameras and equipment.  The following work, output and publishing can only be maintained through the aid of funding.  I highly appreciate your support. 



商業攝影網站 https://qphotolife.com/
商業攝影粉絲頁 https://www.facebook.com/qphotolife
美食旅遊、商品手機攝影教學部落格 https://qlovephoto.com